Aspire Chanel Swim Challenge- with a twist!

Welcome to the blog where I'll be telling you about my aspire channel swim challenge!

You'll probably know by now but I'll explain, the Aspire channel swim raises money for a spinal chord injuries charity, participants swim 22 miles in their local pool over 12 weeks.

I have decided to swim 44 miles, in 22 pools over the next 12 weeks to try to gain as much sponsorship as possible!

Aspire work with people who have sustained a spinal chord injury, the NHS can only provide so much. Aspire assist with independent living, provide adapted stop gap housing for when people get out of hospital, assistive technology (so that anyone, regardless of the level of their injury can use a computer), they provide human needs grants to assist with the purchase of much needed equipment and they work in sports development, amongst other things. Please, please read their website- this is a very worthy cause.

Please donate via the just giving website:

Sunday 4 December 2011

Thursday 1st December- Central Baths

Did you check out the time on the receipt? Yes, I actually went before work! I couldn't see how else to make sure I'd fit in all my swims! I did a mile, the pool was nicely quiet with only two of us in my lane.
42.75 Miles, 22 pools

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